My Own Thinking Kept me from setting Big Goals

My Own Thinking Kept me from setting Big Goals

As I have grown in my journey I have come to the realize that my thinking had allowed me to be satisfied with my lot in life so to say. I never set any real big concrete goals. Of course I wanted more in my life but my thinking and belief system did not allow me to take it past a day dream.

As I look back I can see that in order to go further with any endeavor, we must grow as a person. In order to go further in my life, I needed to expand my thinking. I was, infact, the one holding me back – it was my own thinking. Once I acknowledged this as a possibility my thinking had already started to change. I was on my way to changing the thoughts that I gave attention to. I knew that my mindset was responsible for the way I had been accepting that all I had was all I would ever have – 95% of the game is my mindset.

I have learned so much about the power of goal setting. Many know that it is one of the most common characteristics of successful individuals. Read the biographies of some of history’s most successful men and you will find that they had concrete dreams, visions or goals of what they wished to achieve. All top achievers have three common threads:

Desire – Belief – Expectancy
When you set a goal you need to adopt these three qualities to help manifest the end result.

First, you must have a burning desire to achieve the goal.

Second, you must have a strong belief that the goal is possible and within reach.

Third, you must be in the state of expectancy – you must be expecting to see results.

Not sure that you believe that your mind is this powerful? Not sure that you can manifest your own reality? Do your own investigating and learn more about the evidence in the scientific community. Learn more about the law of attraction – it is not just the positive that we can attract into our lives by out thoughts. The law of attraction does not care if something is negative or if it is positive.

So get started

1. Define Clear, Concrete Goals.
2. Think Big
We create our own limitations. Most of us are guilty of aiming too low rather than aiming too high.

When you’re setting a goal, keep this in mind
“A good goal should scare you a little and excite you a lot.”
Think of your current goals and test them against this rule. If your goals do not both scare and excite you – try targeting something a little more challenging.

The mind is the limit. As long as the mind can envision the fact that you can do something, you can do it – as long as you really believe it 100 percent.

3. Be Persistant – no matter what
It was very easy for me to allow other people’s opinions and ideas to influence me. Do not allow other people’s negative ideas to influence you.

4. Continue with Desire – Belief – Expectancy
Your goals must meet the criteria of Desire, Belief and Expectancy.

The goal must be something you strongly desire and it helps if it is heart centered and rooted in service to others. The greater your desire the stronger your will to pursue the goal. Napoleon Hill said “If your desires are strong enough you will appear to possess super-human powers to achieve.”

Next, the goal must be something you believe is in the realm of the possible. This depends on your belief system. As you accomplish more in life your self-belief grows. This increases your confidence and fuels you to accomplish even bigger things. Until then you can try affirmations to increase your belief system and use words such as “I am in the process of….” or “it is like me to…..”.

Finally, you must expect the end result to occur. Think from the end, as if your desire has already happened. Who are you being? The person that has the desired result is the person who you want to be with regard to your thoughts and what you give your attention to.

Expectancy is harder to create. But the tool of creative visualization helps tremendously. Your subconscious mind cannot distinguish between a real experience and an imagined experience. By frequently visualizing the end result you desire you cause your subconscious to accept it to be real. This causes the mind to draw that situation into your life.

“The man I want to become, if I believe myself to be, I will become” – Gandhi

Learn, investigate, implement and then share with others! Let’s create a world where we all vibrate for the positive and co-create our reality by living all of our passions in our life!
Imagine what a world it will be!

About Kirsten Rinn
I am a loving wife and mother of three young children. Done with the corporate environment in Advertising, marketing & printing. I was a dedicated employee and now I am dedicated to inspiring others to live a life by design. Learn a proven portable business system built on integrity and focussed on helping people all around the world find and live their dream.

2 Responses to My Own Thinking Kept me from setting Big Goals

  1. Shari stamatatos says:

    I think you are right about that. Many people stay trapped in jobs they hate and lifestyles they don’t want. Many people don’t follow their dreams. A lot of people are afraid to do so.

  2. Ryan says:

    Very true, setting goals is essential if you want consistent success, its almost impossible not to succeed at least once by accident. Everyone has a dream of some kind be it little or small. It is though setting goals that you begin to realize those dreams…

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